Tension Release

2021, Marvin Bollemeijer, Emily Browne, Ole Hoogsteden, Tamir Jansen

During the lockdown in April 2021, first-year Transformation Design students from the Willem de Kooning Academy followed presentations by scientists and artists in response to Covid. The students then worked for two months on a project at the intersection of science, art and their own social experience. In the meantime, they discussed their work with teachers and with researchers Joyce Lebbink, molecular geneticist, and Bernadette van den Hoogen, virologist. The result consists of 16 presentations. Four of them are video productions that premiered during the Pleinbioscoop Rotterdam, three can be seen in this exhibition.


Lecture program, April 2021

  • 'Zoönosis / Pandemic Prevention' with virologist Ron Fouchier, internist-infectiologist Bart Rijnders, and visual artist Isaac Monté.

  • 'New dynamics in healthcare' with social healthcare researcher Juanita Haagsma, clinical physicist and audiologist Jantien Vroegop and visual artist Anna Dumitriu.

  • 'Trust in Science' with science journalist Jop de Vrieze and visual artist Tuur van Balen.

  • 'Future Perspectives' with epidemiologist Luc Coffeng, geneticist André Uitterlinden and visual artist Agnieszka Wolodzko.

Inger van Dijk