19.35 - 20.30 uur.
English presentation, by Harold McGee.

Introduction of keynote speaker Dr. Harold McGee by prof. Gerard Borst, neuroscientist.

The loss of smell and taste is a symptom of Covid-19 that has often been reported but neglected in its consequences. Food expert and write Dr, Harold McGee has always been fascinated by the origin of aromas. For over ten years he worked on an almost comprehensive fragrance guide. Why do raw oysters sometimes remind us of cucumber? How can our skin smell metallic?

The audience of Science Hotel is invited to participate. To do so keep the following ingredients at hand:

Mint, thyme, basil (fresh or dried or both), a piece of cinnamon, seasonal berries, a mushroom (fresh or dried or both), a caramel candy, a piece of plain chocolate, wine and French cheese.

Inger van Dijk