25.09.21 - 03.07.22


We won’t beat around the bush: everything has changed since the outbreak of COVID. It is searching for new perspectives. A new world. A new identity. A new future. These times require flexibility from us as a society, resilience from us as humans and a new vision towards our future. That our future is getting a different shape, that's for sure. Whether that is a bad thing? That's another question.

(R)EVOLUTION takes the versatile COVID-19 research of Erasmus MC as the starting point of a journey of discovery by young people, artists and scientific researchers: what has changed since the outbreak of this virus? In society, in healthcare and in our heads? What has this time taught us, and how will we deal with this in the future? It’s up to us.




Celeste, Garvan, Kayleigh, Marc, Nina, PJ, Sam, Saran

Erasmus MC – Science Gallery Rotterdam Board
Dr. Joyce Lebbink, Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics
Prof. dr. Maarten Frens, Professor in Systems Physiology and Vice-Dean for Education
Prof. dr. Leo Hofland, Professor of Internal Medicine
Prof. dr. Hans van Leeuwen, Professor of Internal Medicine
Drs. ing. Menno Riemersma, Director Programma Integrale Bouw
Mr. Robin van der Aa, Advisor to the Executive Board

Science Gallery Rotterdam
Fred Balvert, Inger van Dijk, Rawad Baaklini, Tess de Ruiter

Erasmus MC/EUR scientists
Andre Uitterlinden, Bart Rijnders, Casper Rokx, Diederik Gommers, Evelien Dietvorst, Eveline Crone, Hugo van der Kuy, Jantien Vroegop, Joyce Lebbink, Juanita Haagsma, Luc Coffeng, Marion Koopmans, Roos Sablerolles, Ron Fouchier

Online masterclasses
Agnieszka Wolodzko, Aldje van der Meer, Anna Dumitriu, Ari Versluis, Dick van Gameren, Ellie Uyttenbroek, Elten Kiene, Hill Scholte, Isaac Monte, Iwan Smit, Jop de Vrieze, Marina van Goor, Monice Janson, Tuur van Balen, Wiegertje Groenveld

Atelier Van Lieshout, CBK-Rotterdam, Caroline Giezeman, Gemeente Rotterdam, Kunstcommissie Erasmus MC, Museum Rotterdam, Pia Canales, Renate Veerkamp, staff of Science Gallery International, staff of Science Gallery locations, Willem de Kooning Academie.

Photo and video
Bye Jane!, Lisa Eileen de Boer, Studio Nul

Graphic design

Bart Cuppens, Gido Cuppens, Stijn van Aardenne